500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India

Vedanjana offers a 500-hour yoga teacher training course that covers 50 days and 49 nights in Rishikesh, India. The course provides a solid basis for expanding on the knowledge and applications of yoga from a holistic standpoint. Yoga has grown in popularity in the modern era due to its physical practices (“asana”), but other aspects of yoga that are crucial have received little attention. In order to facilitate our students personal and spiritual development, we at the TTC make sure to incorporate comprehensive studies of yoga and incorporate spirituality into the teachings and practices.

The curriculum covers the fundamentals of yoga through vital disciplines such as pranayama, shat kriya, asana practices, yoga philosophy, yoga anatomy, relaxation/ yoga nidra, and meditation. Hatha yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa are the main asana techniques taught at our school. Students will workout for six days and take one day off each week. 

Our school arranges a half-day excursion for the students on this rest day, which can include a visit to one of the holy locations in Rishikesh. Normally occurring on a Sunday, the rest day may be moved to a weekday to avoid crowds of people and traffic in Rishikesh during the most busy period of year.

The training price covers all training-related lodging, food, and excursions; they are covered in more detail below.

Course Level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advance

Language of Instruction:

  • English
evening group yoga session
Evening meditation session near ganga ji


Pranayama (Breathing Techniques): Participants study various breathing methods known as pranayama (breathing techniques) to support mental clarity, ease of mind, and overall health.

Meditation Techniques: The different types of meditation and how to implement them into practice and instruction are taught to the participants.

Yoga Nidra and Relaxation: Students learn how to use Yoga Nidra’s preparation exercises and other relaxation techniques in their own learning and teaching.

Yoga Philosophy: Participants learn about the eight-limbed path of yoga as it is portrayed in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, as well as the history and fundamentals of yoga.

Yoga Teaching Methodology: Participants gain knowledge on how to successfully instruct students in yoga, including how to organize and organize courses, how to use verbal signals and modifications, and how to foster a welcoming environment for all students.

Practical Teaching Experience: To hone their teaching abilities, participants receive feedback from their teachers and then practice teaching in small groups.

Yoga Ethics: Participants get knowledge of the ethical guidelines for becoming a yoga instructor as well as professional behavior.

Course Level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate

Language of Instruction:

  • English

500 Hour Yoga TTC suitable for those..

Curriculum: 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

  • Om mantra
  • Morning mantra
  • Guru mantra
  • Meal mantra
  • Gayatri mantra and more
    Suryanamaskar mantras – 12 names of sun
  • An overview of the anatomy and physiology of yoga.
  • Systems: skeletal system, excretory system, lymphatic system, neurological system, digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, and homeostasis.
  • Personality systems: a greater comprehension of the human psyche, which includes the mind, intellect, ego, and 10 senses, among other subtler and physical bodies.
  • Concepts of therapy for diseases related to stress.
  • Stress: Overview
    i) Humoral the idea (in Greek, Indian, and contemporary medical sciences
    ii) The Subcortical Centers of the Brain
    iii) Neuroendocrine alterations and stress
  • Yoga’s approach to stress reduction
    i) Asana (physical postures)
    ii) Pranayama (the techniques of breathing)
    iii) Dhyan (the art of meditation)
  • Additional benefits of yoga poses for the body’s muscles
  • Nadis: pathways of energy
  • Kundalini and chakras (coiled energy and energy plexus)
  • Understanding of pancha kosha (the five sheaths)
  • Further knowledge about pancha pranas (the five vital energies)
  • Meditative steps of performing the hatha yoga; centering, entering, refining, holding, coming out, and reflection
  • Ashtanga vinyasa flow – Series I (review) & II
  • Surya namaskar (sun salutations I, II & III) – dynamic surya namaskar, surya namaskar with breath awareness, surya namaskar with 12 mantras with their bija-mantras with their deeper understanding.
  • Modifications of yoga asanas
  • Types of yoga asanas – standing, sitting, backward bending, forward bending, spinal twisting, fire series, inversion, shavasana etc.
  • Alignment & art of adjustment
  • Preventing common injuries
  • Counter pose
  • Contraindications
  • More on the yoga asanas benefits
  • Breathing science.
  • The mechanism of pranayama
  • Postures for pranayama: basic and advanced
  • How to practice diaphragmatic breathing
  • Breathing exercises at 1:1, 1:2, and 1:4.
  • Nadi shodhana pranayama, ujjayee, kapalabhati, bhastrika, shitali, shitkari, brahmari, suryabhedi and anuloma viloma & Several forms of kumbhaka pranayama, among others.
  • Breathing techniques for advanced yoga poses, such kundalini and chakra
  • The beneficial effects of pranyama
  • Principles of pranayama
  • Jalandhara-bandha (Throat lock)
  • Uddiyana-bandha (abdominal lock)
  • Moola-bandha (root lock)
  • Maha-bandha (great lock)
  • Describe what meditation is and isn’t.
  • Meditation in everyday life.
  • Postures for meditation in yoga.
  • Meditations lasting two to five minutes.
  • Introduction to basic meditation.
  • So-ham Japa Meditation
  • Meditation with mantras.
  • Spinal breathing
  • Through chakras, Sushumna breathes
  • Yoga Philosophy Introduction in general: six Indian philosophical systems
  • Daily life philosophy
  • Basic overview of the Samkhya and Yoga philosophy
  • The Patanjali Yoga Sutras
  • The Origins of Yogic Science
  • Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi are the eight – limbs of yoga.
  • Outline of Vedanta( The yoga of Upanishads )
  • Understanding the Bhagavad-Gita’s yoga
  • The yoga of tantra
  • Yoga Ethics:
    i) Yamas and Niyamas
    ii) Teacher’s Ethics
  • The usual lifestyle of a sadhaka
  • Ayurvedic and Yogic perspectives on life
  • Ayurvedic philosophy: body and mind
  • The idea of the vata, pitta, and kapha doshas
  • The idea of the three gunas (sattva, rajas, and tamas)
  • A balanced diet high in nutrients and Ayurveda
  • Equilibrium of the body and mind via a healthy diet, which is comparable to Ayurveda.
  • Outline of mudras and their significance in yoga asana
  • Mudra’s psychological aspects
  • The components that are contained in the fingers and the five mudras
    Akasha-mudra ( gesture of ether )
    Jnana-mudra (gesture of wisdom)
    Agni-mudra (gesture of fire)
    Varuna-mudra (gesture of air)
    Prithvi-mudra (gesture of earth)
  • Note: The following mudras are also significant: Vishnu, Bhairavi, Hridaya, dhyana, prana, Apana, Linga, Shunya mudras
  • Overview of mantra science
  • Learning of the mantras AUM, Gayatri, Trayambakam, Guru, Shanti and further
  • Awareness of morning and evening prayers.
  • Prayers during meals
  • Learn about prayers.
  • Prosperity prayers
  • Sanskrit counting from 1 to 20.
  • Twelve surya-namaskara mantras, in addition to bija mantras and their understanding.
  • Saying the titles of the advanced poses with clarity
  • Recitation of selected yoga sutras with comprehension
  • Jala-neti( for nasal cleansing )
  • Sutra-neti( for nasal cleansing
  • Kunjala( regurgitative cleansing )
  • Trataka( for eye cleansing )
  • Agni-sara ( for activating digestive fire )
  • Nauli( for abdominal cleansing )
  • Mastering the art of guidance and instruction
  • Principal ideas: Educating based on observations, planning a lesson, Greeting/Centering, Teaching Sequence,
  • Focusing on a particular Posture
  • Demonstration
  • Classroom Organization Language
  • Health-related problems
  • Adjustments & variation in Posture
  • Teacher’s role
  • Teaching yoga as a profession and a service
  • Create a plan for your classes.
  • Self-assessment
  • Assignments and Task
  • Practice teaching
  • Feedback & follow up
  • Group discussion with team mates and teachers
  • Question & answer
  • Home assignments

Typical Daily Schedule: 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

The six days of this 500-hour yoga school will be dedicated to intense study and practice, and the seventh day will be devoted to sightseeing in the Himalayas, visits to holy sites and temples, and exploration of related yoga-related activities. Despite the rigorous itinerary, you may find this program to be a fascinating and instructive process of personal development. Living with nature will be an opportunity you will have during your course. The yoga training program starts at 6:15 a.m. with a brief morning prayer and a pranayama practice. Next, before breakfast, there is the morning practice of Traditional Hatha yoga flow . 

Following our two main sessions—one on philosophy and the other on yoga anatomy—lunch will be provided at noon. After that, there will be some time for individual study and practice before we start the vinyasa-yoga asana sessions in the late afternoon and early evening, which will be followed by relaxation and meditation. Inspiring cultural events will include talks on yoga-related topics, and Satsang (devotional music). Weekly tasks will be included in the course since they help you develop in-depth understanding of the topics and experience via your yoga practices. You will receive three yoga vegetarian meals, along with fruit refreshments and green tea, during this yoga teacher training. 

We advise our students to go to bed early—around 10 p.m.—because it will benefit their yoga training. The following is the usual daily itinerary for our School Vedanjana 500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Time Activity
06:15 - 06:30 Mantra Chanting
06:30 - 07:30 Shat-kriyas & Pranayama practices
07:30 - 09:00 Hatha-Yoga (Classical)
09:00 - 10:00 Breakfast and Free Time
10:00 - 11:00 Yoga Philosophy
11:00 - 12:00 Yoga Anatomy & Physiology
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch Break
14:30 - 16:00 Self-Study / Self- Practice
16:00 - 16:30 Tea Break
16:30 - 18:00 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
18:00 - 19:00 Relaxation & Meditation
19:00 - 20:00 Dinner
20:00 - 21:00 Self-Study/ Self-Practice/ Free Time
21:00 Sleep time/ Go to Bed!

Course Dates: 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Every month throughout the year, this 500 Hour Yoga TTC course in Rishikesh, India, begins on the 1st, As a result, you may apply for any month in advance. The following dates are our forthcoming course dates:

1st to 23rd Feb 24500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, RishikeshBook Now
1st to 23rd Mar 24500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, RishikeshBook Now
1st to 23rd Apr 24500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, RishikeshBook Now
1st to 23rd May 24500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, RishikeshBook Now
1st to 23rd Jun 24500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, RishikeshBook Now
1st to 23rd Jul 24500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, RishikeshBook Now
1st to 23rd Aug 24500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, RishikeshBook Now
1st to 23rd Sep 24500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, RishikeshBook Now
1st to 23rd Oct 24500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, RishikeshBook Now
1st to 23rd Nov 24500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, RishikeshBook Now
1st to 23rd Dec 24500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, RishikeshBook Now



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Course Fee: 500 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh, India

Single Private RoomUSD 2250
Twin Sharing RoomUSD 1850

Reserve Your Seat: To reserve your spot in the course, a minimum upfront payment of US$400 is needed. Upon arrival at the center’s , the balance of the course price is to be paid.


Vedanjana is incredibly special. During my 7 day yoga and meditation retreat, I had a great experience. I gained a lot of knowledge about the asanas, meditation, and pranayama of yoga…

Johny Dhanda

Johny Dhanda

It is one of the best centre in Rishikesh. If you want to really immerse in meditation, yoga, and self-discovery, I highly recommend this place. Had the opportunity to spend some time in…

Neha Bharty

Neha Bharty

At Vedanjana, I had an incredible 3-day retreat. The program is well designed for beginners (particularly the theory sessions and yoga philosophy in just 3 days, you receive a highly…

Varun Neb

Varun Neb

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