7 Days Yoga Retreat in Goa, India

Vedanjana in Goa offers a 7-day yoga and meditation retreat. Its 7 days and 6 nights of duration make it our shortest retreat. During the course, Vedanjana examines the idea of yoga via a spiritual exercise with the goal of helping students comprehend and feel a secret longing to realize their own reality.

For travelers or office workers with little time to study the fundamentals of yoga, a 7-day yoga retreat in Goa is the ideal setting to reset your life. Our goal is to provide a fundamental and useful introduction to yoga for newcomers, along with straightforward advice on how to incorporate yoga into daily life.


Why should I participate in the Vedanjana 7-day yoga retreat in Goa is one of the key queries. Vedanjana gives visitors the chance to really savor the immaculate surroundings. One of the world’s most successful yoga retreats is Vedanjana.

Through Pranayama and other forms of meditation, Vedanjana will help you learn how to relax your mind and open yourself to encouraging thoughts. Applying those exercises regularly can help you stay calm and focused. It will also help you become more aware of your body, relax your mind, and improve your attention. Because of all the aforementioned reasons, peace yoga is the greatest and most distinctive yoga retreat program.


Yogic tradition is always centered on the sattvic diet; we think that if our food is pure and healthy, our mind will also be pure and healthy, which will assist yoga students in taking their yoga journey to a Spiritual level.

Vedanjana guarantees that we will always serve you healthy nutrition that will provide your body with enough energy to support your daily yoga practice, health, and well-being. In our Yoga Teacher Training, we always promote an organic healthy menu where all meals are freshly prepared using organic local products such as vegetables, fruits, and so on.


Vedanjana believes that a yoga practitioner should live in a calm and quiet environment. We think that yogi practice flourishes in a quiet and tranquil setting. Accommodation at Vedanjana is specifically created with these considerations in mind.

Vedanjana in Goa will provide private housing for our yogis for their yoga courses and yoga retreats, with the fee included in your package. Private accommodations are ideal for yogis since they are meant to provide healing and peace to all yogis who come to live there.


  1. I am aware that the Event and the Yoga Classes in which I will participate may necessitate physical and mental effort. I also understand and recognize that, despite the great care taken by Vedanjana and its employees, the Event and Yoga Classes may expose me to various inherent dangers, such as accidents, injury, disease, and so on. I accept all risks of injury associated with my participation in the Event and the Yoga Classes, including but not limited to injuries, strains, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, contact with nature/animals, local food, and all other risks that I am aware of and appreciate.
  2. I realize that it is entirely my duty to contact a physician/doctor before and during my participation in the Event and Yoga Classes, and I understand that Vedanjana has no medical obligation/responsibility to its students, and there is no medical personnel on the school’s grounds. Any hospital, clinic, or local doctor I may need to see is unrelated to Vedanjana, and so Vedanjana is not liable for any medical treatment received privately outside of the school’s grounds.
  3. I indicate and certify that I am physically healthy and that I do not have any medical conditions that would prohibit me from fully participating in the Event and Yoga Classes to which I have applied. In the event of a previous injury, I accept full responsibility for the outcome of my participation in the Event and/or Yoga Classes, and I do not expect Vedanjana or any of its teachers to provide me with any consultation, treatment, or recommendation for my physical condition at any time during the Event/Yoga Classes.
  4. I accept that if I am injured, need to contact a doctor, or require hospitalization, I am liable for my own treatment as well as any costs or sums associated with such consultation or hospitalization. I also realize that Vedanjana can help me get in touch with outside medical resources, but it is not Vedanjana’s obligation to find/arrange these services for me. I also recognize that the Vedanjana teaching team is highly skilled in their field, but they cannot give a diagnosis or therapy.
  5. If I am pregnant, I realize that I am participating at my personal risk as well as the danger of my unborn child(ren). Also, if I have any injury or problem (including, but not limited to, injuries, heart problems, back or neck problems, asthma, epilepsy, ulcer, hernia, high blood pressure, and so on), I understand that I may be unable to participate in certain Yoga Classes, in which case I will notify Vedanjana immediately, and Vedanjana shall have full authority to prohibit me from participating in such Yoga Classes if necessary. In any instance, whether I have reported or not disclosed such ailment or issue, I realize that if I choose to engage despite my injury or problem, I do so at my own risk.
  6. I realize that the instructor may physically change students’ form and posture during Yoga Classes from time to time, and I thus consent to accept such modifications. If I do not want such physical changes for any reason, including injury or other personal reasons, I shall notify the teacher at each session I attend. I also understand that if I do want to get such adjustments, it is my obligation to notify the teacher when an adjustment has gone as far as I want it to go at the time.
  7. I thus accept complete and total responsibility for any liability for personal property loss or damage linked with the Event, the Yoga Classes, or any other activities hosted by Vedanjana.
    I understand and agree that the deposit paid to reserve my spot is non-refundable, non-cancelable, and non-transferable to another person under any circumstances unless pre-approved in writing by Vedanjana’s management team. This deposit is transferable to any other course on any other date within any time period if I notify Vedanjana at least one month in advance. There is no time limit for using this deposit. The balance of the course price must be paid in cash or by card upon arrival at Vedanjana. If I am unable to attend the course for whatever reason, I am NOT required to pay the remaining course money.
  8. I also understand and agree that once I have registered for the Event or any of the Yoga Classes, I will be responsible and liable to pay Vedanjana the fees for the Event I am participating in (including accommodation and/or any other package agreed upon, as the case may be), which fees are non-refundable, non-cancelable, and non-transferable to another person unless otherwise agreed upon by Vedanjana. I also agree that I am liable for any fees incurred as a result of my physical/online payments to Vedanjana.
  9. I understand and agree that Vedanjana may, at any time and without prior notice, modify the course content, timetable, teachers, and any other academic, methodological, technological, or logistic component of the Event in which I am participating.
  10. ­I recognize that Vedanjana may take pictures or films of the Event that may involve me, and I thus certify that I have no problem with such photographs or videos being taken. I grant Vedanjana, its assignees, and transferees the right to copyright, use, and publish the foregoing in print and/or electronically. I agree that Vedanjana may use images and/or films of me for any authorized purpose, including publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web material, with or without my identity. I also understand that I can shoot my own photos and films to share on my personal Social Media, but only if all of my classmates and professors agree and are fine with my doing so.
  11. If I bring my child(ren), whether little or major, it is exclusively my duty and not the obligation of Vedanjana or its personnel. I also understand that if I want a babysitter, Vedanjana employees will make every effort to assist me in finding one. However, whether I have a babysitter or not, I am still responsible for my child/children.
  12. If I have paid the entire course cost, I can seek a refund (less the deposit + transaction fees) three months before the course begins. Refunds and cancellations are not available after this time. After reading this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of my participation in the Event, I agree to HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVE, RELEASE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE Peace Yoga, its trainers, officers, agents, employees, organizers, representatives, and successors from any responsibility, liabilities, demands, actions, or claims of any kind arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or failing to participate.